The reason for the introduction of flexible working essay

Abstract. This special brings together innovative and multidisciplinary research, sociology, economics and social work, using data from across Europe and the US to explore the potential benefits of flexible working on the gender division of labor and work life balance private lives of employees. Despite numerous studies on gender-related outcomes, employers are gaining engagement. Employers also experience benefits with flexible work schedules. Giving up some control over work schedules increases morale, commitment, and commitment to the organization. The option also reduces employee turnover, absenteeism and lateness by allowing employees to work flexibly. Dell has introduced a number of key initiatives that have helped increase employee morale and retention. UK HR director, Richard Lowther, explains how management buy-in to diversity programs has been crucial to implementing successful rollout of initiatives, and how employees have been empowered to manage their own workload. The implications of flexible working arrangements. The steady growth of flexible working is one of the most important HR and employment trends in recent years. Whatever form it comes in - from remote and part-time working to flexible working and compressed hours - flexible working is a concept that can deliver a range of benefits. Furthermore, working from home guarantees a better work-life balance, as employees are more flexible in deciding when to open and close work. Additionally, employees who work remotely save more money and spend less. Overall, employees who work from home are likely to be more productive and experience higher growth than employees. The importance of organizational culture in flexible work arrangements. A vibrant organizational culture cultivates a sense of unity and connection among employees. It helps them identify with the core values, mission and objectives of the organization. This shared vision motivates employees with flexible work arrangements to work together. Jonny's work focuses on conducting applied research in employment and people management, and strengthening links between academia and practice. His research interests include the quality of work or 'good work' and what works in driving employee performance and well-being. He leads the CIPD's work in evidence-based HR and ABSTRACT. The hybrid workplace is a concept on the lips of every industry trend in the world today. Digitalization is becoming more normalized in all areas of the global village community. The availability of flexible work options offers individuals the opportunity to shape their careers to optimize their work and personal commitments. From an organizational perspective, it promises an increase in productivity, a boost to the employer of choice and a reduction in repair costs. However, flexibility is also known to be costly to employers and favors. One of the most fundamental of these concepts is the balance between professional activities and private life. Studies show that achieving the right proportions between these two can improve a person's physical, emotional and mental state Fletcher, 2021. Thus, a more flexible work regime is closely linked to the quality of human life.

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