Nanotechnology in regenerative medicine Biology essay

The applications of nanotechnology are the result of researching and using these properties. Wickson et al. 2010. A large number of substances are used in nanotechnology. The most researched substances are carbon, silicon dioxide and titanium dioxide. Robinson, 2010. Others include aluminum, zinc, silver, copper and gold. Robinson, National Institute for Materials Science. How nanotechnology can advance regenerative medicine. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 3. lt, releases, 2013, 11. Nanotechnology refers to the understanding and control of matter at the nanometer-nm scale, and includes the design, construction and implementation of nanoscale systems in areas such as chemistry, physics, materials science, engineering and biology, 6 The implementation of nanoscale technologies in the biomedical sciences has: Nanotechnology is a process that combines the basic features of biological, physical and chemical sciences. These processes take place on the smallest nanometer scale. Physically, the size is chemically reduced, new bonds and chemical properties are determined, and biological actions are produced at the nanoscale, such as drugs. Regenerative medicine is the creation of a tissue or organ with normal structures and functions to replace the lost or damaged organs. via biological modulation and tissue engineering. Many indeed. Definition and history of stem cells. Stem cells are one of the most important cells of the human body that have the ability to grow more types of body cells. Stem cells, as unspecialized cells, can be converted into highly specialized cells in the body. In other words, stem cells are undifferentiated. cells with self-renewal potential,

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