The symptoms and nature of synesthesia essay

Introduction. Synesthesia, affective, is a condition in which one attribute of an inducing stimulus automatically engages the experience of an additional competitor. Sensory pathways. Synesthesia is the conscious experience of sensory properties caused by certain conscious mental events, which occur in addition to any sensations normally experienced by most people during such events. 2. In one form of synesthesia, for example, the perception of a letter leads to the phenomenal, abstract. Synesthesia is an atypical neurological disorder in which an individual experiences an additional affective, cognitive, or perceptual event in addition to the event normally elicited by a stimulus. It manifests in a wide variety of different forms, with a significant number of synesthetes experiencing multiple forms. Synesthesia evokes concepts such as melody line, auditory space and tone color, and makes it possible to perceive sounds and chords as sharp, dull or high. . Synesthesia and the extraordinary. Synesthesia is an abnormal mixing of the senses in which stimulation of one modality simultaneously produces sensation in another modality. Synesthetes hear colors, feel sounds and... Examples of synesthesia include: Grapheme-color synesthesia: when a person perceives a color when viewing an achromatic letter or number. Researchers believe this is the most common form of synesthesia. Time unit-color synesthesia: In this case, a person also perceives a color, but instead, when looking at a time, such as the day of, synesthesia refers to additional sensations that some people experience for specific stimulations, such as the systematic random association of colors with letters for the most studied type. Here we review all studies that have been mainly based on functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging and that have looked for its neural correlates. Here, synesthesia is presented as a possible answer rather than a question to the current gaps in our understanding of sensory perception. By first appreciating the similarities between normal sensory perception and synesthesia, one can use what is known about synesthesia, from behavioral and imaging studies, to provide information about synesthesia.,

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