Postoperative pain can cause significant problems essay

Visceral pain. Visceral pain can be caused by surgery on the organs or by other types of organ damage, such as caused by cancer or infection. The process of cutting into an organ can cause visceral pain. You may feel it in your chest, abdomen or pelvis. Gas traveling through the gastrointestinal tract after surgery can also lead to stomach upset. Adverse events associated with opioid therapy, such as nausea, vomiting and constipation, have a major impact on pain therapy and are one of the main causes of the widespread undertreatment of acute pain today 12 - 14 . These side effects occur in a large proportion of patients using opioid treatment. Introduction. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is considered the treatment of choice for symptomatic cholelithiasis. Laparoscopic surgery has shown advantages over open surgery, including less postoperative pain, smaller incisions, shorter postoperative ileus, less blood loss, shorter hospital stay, and faster recovery. people with diabetes, follow the recommendations on the care of adults with diabetes in hospital in the NICE guideline on diabetes in adults. 1.4. do not use glucose-lowering medications to achieve tight blood glucose control 4 mmol liter for people undergoing surgery who have diabetes or do not have diabetes.

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