About hardwork essay

1. Complete Application: Go to the Common App to complete and submit your application. Then celebrate. It's a big problem. 2. Submit Additional Documents: We also need a few documents along with the essay on introducing hard work vs. smart work. In the pursuit of success, two concepts often emerge: hard work and smart work. The age-old debate between these two methods of achieving goals remains relevant today, especially in a world where efficiency and effectiveness are highly valued. Luck and hard work. There are two types of people, one depends on luck and waits for the outcome as success to come to their doorstep, and others continuously put in hard work to achieve success, and I was confident about my position in the exams. I managed to get high marks and to my delight the class teacher announced my grade in class. As she read each student's grades, I sat with bated breath. I waited expectantly for my name to be called and she saw my anxiety. She put an end to my impatience and told us: The essay then turns to the author's experience at Regina Dominican High School and her plans for college. The transitions between paragraphs are smooth and logical, making the essay easy to follow. The essay has a clear focus on the importance and role of hard work and effort in achieving success. Introduction. Simply defined, intelligence refers to a human being's ability to apply knowledge to the daily operations of life. While hard work, in simple terms, refers to a lot of endurance or effort. However, hard work is a term that really applies to everyone because it is not innate. Benefits of hard work. Achievement and success: Hard work is the stepping stone to achieving our goals. It increases our skills, knowledge and abilities, making it possible to achieve what seemed impossible. Skill Development: Hard work sharpens our skills and hones our talents.

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