Competitive Analysis Between Coke And Pepsi Essay

Coke presented the new portfolio of non-CSD products in response to Pepsi's initiatives, but the rivalry between Coke and Pepsi was still strong as Pepsi became one of the US non-CSD markets compared to Coke', Yoffie amp Kim , 2011 , P. 10. PepsiCo returns assets during the same period. 27. The return on equity for Coca Cola. 09 while Pepsi's. 86. All these figures suggest that Coca Cola is performing better than Pepsi. Pepsi does not deliver as much value to shareholders as Coca Cola. Coca-Cola and Pepsi offer similar products, so it is crucial that they can positively distance themselves from each other. In an effort to create unique identities, Pepsi has developed a recognizable yet business-like concept. Earnings growth for Coca-Cola, Pepsi and the carbonated soft drink industry has declined in recent years for many reasons, including changes in distribution costs, input prices, increases in advertising spending and diversification into other non-carbonated products. The change in public sentiment toward high-sugar drinks has also contributed to the years of rivalry between Coca-Cola and Pepsi. New challenges of the century included boosting declining domestic cola sales and finding new revenue streams. Both companies also began to adjust their bottling, pricing and branding strategies. They looked at the emerging international,

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