Significance of Malaria as a Public Health Problem Biology Essay

Zoonotic malaria is a growing threat to public health in the WHO Southeast Asia SEA and Western Pacific WP regions. Despite vector control measures, the spread of Macaque fascicularis and M. nemestrina, and Anopheles mosquitoes carrying non-human simian malaria parasites, pose challenges to malaria elimination. According to an article by Caraballo and King, mosquito-borne diseases cause an average of one million deaths. every year on a global scale. A recent article stated that “mosquito. sent. INTRODUCTION. Malaria remains a major public health problem in Kenya and Ethiopia. Three quarters of the million inhabitants of Kenya and one million inhabitants of Ethiopia are at risk of malaria. 1. Great progress has been made in malaria control over the past twenty years; the malaria burden remains high in these two countries; Introduction. Malaria is most common in tropical and subtropical regions 1. Sub-Saharan Africa is the most affected region. the region. of all malaria cases, 593,000 of all deaths from the disease 2, 3. Four countries, namely Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Niger and 1. Introduction. Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV infection remains a major public health problem worldwide. According to recent estimates from the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS, one million people were living with HIV, while more than half a million people died that year due to: Resistance to antimalarials has often hampered efforts at malaria elimination endangered and has historically led to the short-term resurgence in malaria cases and deaths. With concentrated malaria eradication efforts currently underway, drug resistance monitoring in clinical settings is being complemented by in vitro drug susceptibility testing. INTRODUCTION. Malaria is a vector-borne disease that has affected millions of people and poses a significant economic burden to endemic countries. According to the WHO malaria report, the global malaria burden is jointly reported. of these high-burden countries are also resource poor, and, Introduction. Public health is crucial for a healthy, fair and sustainable society. The role of public health in this vision arises from Rutty's fundamental values ​​of social justice and collectivity and, we argue, from its position at the intersection of research, practice and policy. To realize this vision it is necessary to create a public image. Background The rapid epidemiological transition of diseases is adversely affecting low- and middle-income countries, such as Nigeria, due to their limited healthcare systems, weaker healthcare systems and westernization of lifestyles. There is a need to evaluate the enormity of the non-communicable diseases associated with NCDs. Every year, malaria causes more than a million deaths. To control this disease, you need to understand its transmission. For all infectious diseases, the basic reproductive number describes the severity of the disease. Severe malaria remains a burden mainly among young children for three months, across a wide range of community prevalences typical of East Africa. This study provides a quantitative framework for linking malaria parasite prevalence to severe disease outcomes in children. Keywords: Malaria, Plasmodium falciparum, severe malaria, Malaria deaths among children have increased over the past twenty years.

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