History and Background of the Kyoto Protocol Political Essay

It has been years since the Kyoto Protocol, the first international effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow the pace of human-induced climate change, came into effect. On the face of. The Kyoto Protocol is a United Nations-sponsored agreement that requires signatory countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. The protocol, drafted and agreed in Kyoto, Japan, marked the conclusion of years of negotiations arising from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In Kyoto, Japan, the United Nations adopts a new treaty aimed at limiting greenhouse gas emissions. The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on. History shows that energy policy priorities can be stratified, similar to the way Maslow structured his famous pyramid of human needs. The essay below argues that access to energy, security of supply, energy costs, environmental issues and social acceptance do not depend on trade-offs, but on a hierarchy underlying importance. The indigenous peoples of the Arctic have an excellent political status in the Arctic. governance, for example because of their colonial history and their strong position in the Arctic Council, the region's central political forum. Many non-Arctic states have shown interest in Arctic development in recent years. Resume. The United States, the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, will not ratify the Kyoto Protocol in the near future. Nevertheless, a number of countries have decided to stay on the Kyoto track. Four main explanations for this apparent puzzle are considered. The first is that the remaining Annex I countries still expect the Kyoto Protocol to separate participating countries into Annex I developed countries and non-Annex I developing countries. It was recognized that developed countries, due to their past industrial and development activities, were mainly responsible for the prevailing elevated levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,

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