Some victims deserve the label 'victim' more than others essay

The ideal victim in international law undoubtedly has three characteristics: 1. The victim is vulnerable and weak, 2. The victim is dependent, and 3. The victim is grotesque. Vulnerability and weakness. The idea of ​​victimhood is simply a social construct. The criminal justice system CJS, the media and the public all play a role in deciding who is worthy of victim status as the process is unequal and unfair. Two people can experience the same harassment or assault, but be treated completely differently because of their race, sex, and gender. As passive victims, victims have no other role to play in a ritual aimed at restoring peace after a crime than to be conspicuously absent. The conventional role of the deserving victims lies outside the court, quietly weeping in their private sphere. In addition, some participants associated being labeled as a survivor with acknowledging their own guilt, while others felt that victims were responsible for their experiences with sexual violence. In the absence of a clear definition, these divergent conceptualizations of both labels could have a significant impact on the understanding and integration of victims into the political discourse on crime and crime control has tended to be done with the intention of addressing the punitive sensitivities and limitations of the promote punishment. so-called 'rights of, 1. Introduction. Restorative justice emerged in the 1990s primarily in response to calls from victims' advocates for alternative approaches that expand victims' rights in justice processes and promote outcomes that meet the needs of victims, perpetrators, and communities. Bennett, 2007, Bottoms, 2003, United Nations Office on Drugs and the Importance of Law Enforcement-Based Victim Support. Since VOCA's passage, more laws have been introduced on behalf of victims at state, federal, and local levels across the United States, including the incremental addition of state constitutional amendments and robust legal protections in states. 1, Transgender women and men had higher rates of violent victimization 86.1. 5. than cisgender women and men respectively 23.7. 8. respectively. One in four transgender women who were victimized thought the incident was a hate crime, compared to fewer than one in 10 cisgender women. Police are central to both the legal response to sexual assault and rape and to victims' experiences after the assault. are “the first point of contact for rape victims who choose to participate in the criminal justice process and report the crime committed against them” McMillan, 2015, p. 623 see also Campbell, 2008,

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