Analysis of Barack Obama's election campaign Political essay

Compare this turn of events with the vote on the eve of Obama's election. As the New York Times reported, white supremacists were “paralyzed and at a crossroads in what that would become. Converting an election campaign into a movement – ​​or using a movement to turn it into an election campaign. Many factors contribute to a campaign as successful as the Obama campaign: fundraising, paid media, earned media, planning, targeting, luck, etc. But by investing in an Obama campaign organizing program, Barack Obama is the President of the United States. of America USA He was president for two terms. He was the first black president of the US. 'Yes, We Can', a slogan known to many people around the world, became a trademark for Barack Hussein Obama during his election campaigns. He has had several successes: President Obama secured a second term by mounting a massive ground game to sway voters and by running negative ads early in the campaign. Judy Woodruff talks to Philip from the Washington Post.

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