International implications Relationship with Western Sahara Political essay

The Trump administration's recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara is a major and unfortunate change in long-standing US policy under both Democrats and Republicans. Spain was appointed as the governing power of Western Sahara. In s, after the announcement of a referendum to determine the future of the region, both Morocco and Mauritania claimed an important relationship with the region. That same year, a UN mission to Western Sahara found that the indigenous population wanted Abstract. An analysis of Morocco's claims to Western Sahara and of the rulings of the International Court of Justice reveals the ambiguities surrounding the principle of sovereignty and the futility of claiming neutrality or the high moral ground in settling disputes, requiring equally sound interpretations of what sovereignty is involved. With the UN Security Council's continued focus on more pressing crises, the Western Sahara issue has faded, leaving the comatose peace process barely on track. The fifth in a series VN. However, the material and information submitted to the court do not indicate that there has been in the past any link of territorial sovereignty between the territory of Western Sahara and the Kingdom of Morocco, which would preclude the application of XV of the General Meeting on the decolonization of the country could affect. Western Sahara, Western Sahara: more than complacency. Increasing instability in and around North Africa makes the conflict in Western Sahara a potential stability risk for the region. Morocco must fulfill its promises to improve the management of the area and prepare the region for autonomy. Source: FRIDE.

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