Discuss organizational structure Business essay

The organizational structure of Apple Inc. contributes to effective and rapid innovation, which is a critical success factor for the company in the information technology, online services and consumer electronics industries. The organizational structure or business structure of the company is the combination of personnel groups, resources, advantage: better communication. The main advantage of a team-based organization is that there are usually no managers or only one manager overseeing multiple teams. Provide context. After the hook, provide some background information or context regarding the topic of your essay. Help the reader understand the meaning and relevance of the topic in the business world. Thesis statement. Clearly state your thesis or the main argument of your essay. Following are the types of business organizational structures, sole proprietorships. General partnerships. Limited company. Limited company. Limited company. Samsung has a product-type divisional organizational structure. This structure type uses product categorization as a basis to determine which resources and business activities belong to certain divisions, such as the company's Device Solutions division. The entire corporate structure is unified through Samsung's headquarters. 2 There may be a lack of control in any geographic department of the organization. 3 Redundancies can occur. 4 It cannot guarantee the complete loyalty of employees to the organization. 5 The existence of a change in products, travel and services as cultural factors, physical and weather.Fig. 1: Organizational Culture Burke, 1999. There are five dimensions of an organization's culture, namely power distance, risk-taking propensity, gender issues, and employee psychology. The power distance aspect refers to the mentality among employees about who has more power and how much power they wield. Provide context. After the hook, provide some background information or context regarding the topic of your essay. Help the reader understand the meaning and relevance of the topic in the business world. Thesis statement. Clearly state your thesis or the main argument of your essay.

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