Review of the sustainability initiatives in the manufacturing sector essay

The assessment approach proposed in the article uses a predefined list of potential sustainable production practices (SMPs) covering the primary and supporting activity domains of a manufacturing company's value chain. It proposes a method to assess the level of implementation of SMPs and identify the associated drivers and barriers for each. Corporate reputation is stakeholders' perception of a company, including its performance, behavior and activities. Lombardi et al. The effective implementation of CSR responsibility towards employees, customers, the community and the environment, and the description of the application of CSR in annual reports improve the. The literature presents an overview of the current adoption of lean and green practices and highlights the context, barriers, drivers The framework of a society is based on the rules, standards, norms and practices that emerge from it. the fundamental political-legal, socio-cultural and. technological foundation. In. The role of sustainability dimensions in the value creation process has attracted significant interest in scientific academia over the past two decades. Agenda, which sets out the sustainable goals SDGs to protect our planet, emphasized the fundamental role of sustainability issues. In this context, companies, A large and growing number of manufacturers, are realizing substantial financial and environmental benefits from sustainable business practices. Sustainable manufacturing is the creation of manufactured products through economically sound processes that minimize negative environmental impacts while saving energy. This motivates companies to send signals about their sustainability and goodwill through corporate social responsibility activities. With regard to CSR activities, we are the first to provide an overview of the categories of companies' social contributions to local well-being, and develop evidence on the impact of innovation on each category. Sustainability is broadly concerned with a dynamic multi-dimensional perspective and can be defined as the ability of a system to support and sustain healthy living. It requires a systems approach if its operationalization and complexity are to be distinguished. Manufacturing plays a crucial role in creating jobs, improving living standards and improving living standards,

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