About parenting essay

Britain estimated that single-parent families were living below the established poverty line, with one million children being raised by single parents. This study estimated that Britain had done so. single parents, a very high percentage compared to the size and population of the United States. Essay on parents words. There is a Chinese proverb that says: 'To understand your parents' love, you must raise your own children.' This e emphasizes the indispensable role of parents in raising their children. Our parents help us in our upbringing and play an irreplaceable role in our physical, emotional and intellectual lives. Observably, tolerant parents appeared to be more responsive than demanding. The relationship that existed between parents and child is more of a friendly relationship. The parent's main goal is to develop communication skills and education. On the other hand, there were authoritarian and authoritative parenting styles. Essay on Good Parenting Understanding Good Parenting. Good parenting is like planting a seed and making sure it grows into a strong, healthy tree. It means giving children love, attention and the right guidance so that they can get the best out of themselves. Parents who do a good job don't just give their children food and a house. Communication between parents and children strengthens their bond and provides socialization of children, such as gender, occupation, relationship values ​​and skills, and health habits, provides social support, shows affection, gives meaning to their lives and conflicts, handles private information and creates an environment for family interaction.

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