Treaty of Westphalia essay

The History Learning Site, 25. 7. The Thirty Years' War was ended by the Peace of Westphalia, which contemporaries called the "Peace of Exhaustion." The Peace of Westphalia was not one specific treaty, but rather a collection of treaties that were collectively linked by the fact that they involved the Thirty Years' War. One could argue that this treaty could have influenced our modern international relations by laying the foundation for the modern state. system and articulating the concept of territorial sovereignty, because of how advanced this treaty was for that time and no wonder we are still learning and implementing this treaty in our country. maybe worn out, but still colossal, resilient and indomitable and perhaps even irreplaceable. The signed Peace of Westphalia was an international agreement between the major European powers of the century to respect the sovereignty of other nations. This agreement ended more than three decades of conflict in Europe We will write a custom essay on your topic. Introduction. First of all, it should be mentioned that the Peace of Westphalia is considered the first statute, which defines the character of international relations for the following centuries within more than two states. The Peace of Westphalia submits to the pair of agreements, the Treaty of Osnabrück and the Treaty of Munich, and concludes: This essay will analyze the basis of this myth by highlighting the numerous discrepancies between the terms agreed in Westphalia and its core principles that form the Westphalian model. This essay will then illuminate why the Westphalian myth emerged and how it has been so effectively maintained. The Peace of Westphalia and the principles of interstate relations do not fail. Tom Timberman. Editor's Note: See “Losing the International Order: Westphalia, Liberalism and Current World Crises” by Peter Harris, The National Interest. The impetus for the Peace of Westphalia was decades of bloody, highly destructive war,

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