Policy on Smoking in Pregnancy Essay on Health and Social Care

: Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer in the world. Smoking causes cancer in both active and passive smokers. Smoking also causes fear in the victim. Smoking damages the lining of the lungs, causing lung cancer. Continuous smoking leads to permanent damage to lung tissue. The team has done further work to implement the findings of the Marmot Review and has published on issues related to the social determinants of health, continuing to build the evidence base for practitioners and policy makers. for example in relation to alcohol, obesity and smoking, the early years, fuel poverty, cardiovascular disease, 'Women's views of Continuity of Information Provided during and after pregnancy: A qualitative interview study', Health and Social Care in the Community, 2019, 27 5: 214-1. Smoking during pregnancy is a health inequity associated with complications during pregnancy, stillbirth, neonatal death, and serious long-term health consequences for both mothers and their babies. There are large differences in smoking rates among mothers depending on age, geography, socio-economic status and ethnicity. 6, Healthcare provider asks about smoking. Of women who visited health care during the period in question, 73.7 women reported that a health care provider asked about current cigarette smoking during a health care visit in the months before pregnancy, and 93.7 reported that a healthcare provider asked about cigarette smoking. generally refers to differences between groups in health insurance coverage, affordability, access to and use of care, and quality of care. The terms 'health inequality. And passive smoking – inhaling passive smoke – exposes non-smokers to serious health risks. Helping people stop smoking, or better yet, never start, means better health for Australians, lower financial costs for our healthcare system. The campaign aims to: discourage people from smoking help people, despite Australian health guidelines advising women not to drink alcohol during pregnancy, one of Australian women will drink alcohol at some point during their pregnancy while the guidelines changed when these women were pregnant and this percentage may decrease. This discrepancy still raises questions, prenatal care and testing. Medical checkups and screening tests help keep you and your baby healthy during pregnancy. This is called prenatal care. It also includes education and advice on how to manage different aspects of your pregnancy. During your visits, your doctor may discuss many issues, such as healthy eating and physical well-being,

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