Secure data aggregation in wireless information technology essay

The authors of the proposed secure data aggregation to preserve data and key privacy SAPDKP in multi-sink wireless sensor networks to protect keys, and the proposed solutions aim to ensure secure data aggregation and an authenticated broadcast based on a variety to security mechanisms such as symmetrical. “state-of-the-art” secure data aggregation protocols in wireless sensor networks. This section provides a broad overview of secure data aggregation. In this paper, we introduce some secure data aggregation schemes in wireless sensor networks and express their strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, we, The secure data aggregation schemes are categorized into hop-by-hop aggregation and end-to-end aggregation, and then the secure data aggregation, Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks. Summary: In a large sensor network, data aggregation within the network significantly reduces the amount. The proposed secure data collection scheme enables confidentiality of data while being transferred from nodes to the base station. A comparison of the proposed scheme with a secure data aggregation scheme shows better network performance while providing the same level of security. Therefore, the proposed system provides better results. Wireless sensor networks are deployed randomly and are responsible for monitoring the entire geographical area. In WSN, data aggregation is very complex due to limited power and computing capabilities. The problem with data aggregation is that the data can be passed to a malicious node. All existing data aggregation, data aggregation in the network plays an important role in reducing transmission energy and data redundancy in large-scale sensor networks. However, the security of wireless sensor networks is a challenging problem in the process of data aggregation. An efficient, secure data aggregation is proposed to improve the data. A wireless sensor network contains a number of small sensor devices designed to collect and transmit environmental data. The sensor devices are static and communicate via wireless channels with limited communication range, vulnerable and unreliable to ambient noise, wireless interference and physical obstacles. Secure data aggregation in wireless sensor networks: filtering out the attacker's impact. IEEE Trans Inf Forensic Secur, 9 4, 2014, pp. 681-694. Syed Rizvi is an assistant professor of information science and technology at Pennsylvania State University - Altoona. The challenge of secure data aggregation is one such problem in IoT. The integration of information with communication technologies in the operation of the electricity grid has led to this evolution. PD Lapsiwala, PB Kshirsagar, RV Data aggregation in a wireless sensor network. Int. J. Manag. IT-ing. 2012, 2, 457-472. Google Scholar. This article explores the relationship between security and data aggregation processes in wireless sensor networks. A taxonomy of secure data aggregation protocols is provided by examining the current state-of-the-art work in this area. In addition, it is based on existing research, open research areas and future research,

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