Analysis of Employees' Perception of Fairness Commercial Essay

Background Organizational justice is the first virtue in social institutions J 399-432, 1990. It is one of the most decisive factors for effective use of human resources and an essential predictor of organizational success J Manag 457-477, 2009. Employees who value fairness is more likely. In addition, a scale has been developed to measure “employee perception of PMS accuracy”. - Mixed methods research methodology. - The findings confirmed the possible existence of the two-factor PMSE construct, where PMS accuracy and fairness are the factors. Construct validity is established through the correlations with important outcomes. Introduction. It is generally accepted that the perception of fairness is of particular importance in compensation decisions, such as pay. Indeed, the issue of wage distribution plays an important role in shaping an employee's attitude and behavior towards their work, Porter et al. 2003. Scientists have shown that the perception of fairness has, Abstract. 'Artificial Intelligence, Employee Engagement, Fairness and Work Results' defines AI as the ability of a computer system to sense, reason and respond to its environment..

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