Political Conservatism as Resistance to Attitude Change Psychology Essay

1 Introduction. Extensive research in the field of attitudes and persuasion has shown that the physical attractiveness of the source of a message can influence attitudes. See, for example, Petty amp Wegener, 1998, for an overview. In the current study, we investigate for the first time whether the attractiveness of sources can influence more than just attitudes. The task of social psychology is to explain people's flexibility in creating and interacting with their social world. Social identity and self-categorization theories provide a deeply interactive framework to accomplish such a task. Moreover, the changes in users' attitudes were not only stronger the more information there was. We found three stages, namely obedience, resistance and acceptance, with different mechanisms. Conservatism and well-being. An increasing number of studies suggest that conservative individuals report greater life satisfaction and subjective well-being compared to less conservative individuals. However, Stavraova and researchers disagree on the source and robustness of the proposed ideological divide in the subjective desire for certainty, control, and closure is in turn expected to increase the individual's affinity for political conservatism, insofar as it is believed that resistance to change and loyalty to authority figures and conventional forms of morality will satisfy these epistemic motives more successfully than their ideological opposites. can manifest itself in different ways: intentionally and motivated by the ideology of linguistic purism, or more implicitly and motivated by the strength of one's national identification and ethnolinguistic vitality. A study of Polish philology students assessed their tendency to choose loanwords versus synonymous native words. The four researchers who have spent years compiling research literature on the psychology of conservatism report that at the core of political conservatism is resistance to change and a tolerance for inequality, and that some of the common psychological factors associated with political conservatism include: fear and aggressionTwo experiments demonstrate the powerful influence of others' beliefs on individual attitudes and attitude expression. The people around us can influence our views through persuasion and information exchange, but current research assumes exposure to alternative views even without discussion or exchange of persuasive arguments. Furthermore, the changes in users' attitudes were not only stronger with more information. We found three stages, namely obedience, resistance and acceptance, with different mechanisms. Therefore, in the situation of positive information overload, individuals' attitudes eventually change in a positive way. Social cognition refers to all those psychological processes that deal with gathering and processing information related to social objects, processes that help understand, explain and interpret social behavior. Social cognition is guided by mental units called schemata. SCHEMAS and stereotypes.1. Attitude change. Galen V. Bodenhausen and Bertram Gawronski. Abstract. The ability to produce meaningful evaluations of the external world, that is, attitudes, is critical for adaptive functioning. Political attitudes are people's perspectives on the aspects of public life that political psychology studies, such as beliefs..

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