European social models of industrial relations Political essay

Abstract. This introductory chapter aims to contextualize the phenomenon of public service outsourcing in Europe within a broader agenda, drawing the links between austerity policies, a growing marketization trajectory in the public service sector and the neoliberal political agenda. Therefore, after a brief introduction, this chapter presents the. The essay on politics can explore a wide range of topics such as government systems, political ideologies, social justice, public policy, international relations, etc. After selecting a specific study, the social and economic relevance of work and industrial relations today is just as important as it has been in the past and which is likely to be of even greater importance in the future. Yet traditional approaches to work and industrial relations as an area of ​​academic study face a number of challenges, especially in an era of globalization.Baccaro L, Howell C 2011 A common neoliberal trajectory: the transformation of industrial relations in advanced capitalism. Politics amp, 4: 521-63. Crossref. ISI. Reconstruction amid deconstruction: or why we need more of the social in European social models. Work, Employment and 4: 658-74; However, the Heads of State recognized a broader vision of the European social model, which included the agreements between the social partners in the legislative process, the Luxembourg European Employment Strategy EES and the Open Method of Coordination (OCM) on this subject. of social exclusion, and much more. In this study we use the terms “welfare regime” and “social model” synonymously, although the social model is mainly used in the literature in the European context. welfare state. The different governance models and traditions of the European and Scandinavian countries are generally characterized by social economies. This is demonstrated by their strong emphasis on balancing pure economic performance with other goals such as well-being, employment, social cohesion, leisure and the environment. This special issue of the JCPA is timely, a fortiori when we consider the state of play and the role of comparative social policy analysis in Europe. In the context of the EU, comparative social policy analysis is in fact at a moment of transition from one. Therefore, this article assesses the fate of flexicurity by examining its adaptive use as a political concept and as a social concept. -economic model. Although the Danish flexicurity model is very similar to the European flexicurity concept, recent reforms have overall weakened rather than strengthened the flexicurity model. Of Social and Human Sciences, University of. Deusto, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain. Definition. The European social model is a political vision. based on the welfare state from which it emerged. the.

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