The History of HTML vs. Xhtml Information Technology Essay

This specification defines the second edition of. 0, a rephrasing of as a. and three DTDs corresponding to the one defined by. The semantics of the elements and their attributes are defined in the W3C recommendation for. This semantics forms the basis for the future. HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. In this article you will learn the basics of HTML, such as the syntax, elements, attributes and doctype declaration; HTML vs. XHTML: Termination. HTML and XHTML have gone through several phases of depreciation in the evolution of web standards. HTML4, which preceded XHTML, introduced some elements and attributes that were later deprecated in HTML5. These legacy features are still supported for backward compatibility, but are not recommended. However, there is even more variation between the two: XHTML is case sensitive, like HTML, while HTML is not. Both XHTML and HTML have a more complex doctype than HTML5. Note: doctype tells browsers how to interpret the data. HTML compatible with all browsers. XHTML is not. The recommendation was for web designers to use. their HTML documents. XHTML is a stricter form of HTML. At this point the W3C continued to focus on this. 0, and XHTML recommendations started in and after. The problem was that web designers didn't embrace the fact that a new, more rigorous form of Zero3nna, while the question text of this post is indeed almost a verbatim copy of the previous one you linked, the old post is closed and the answers aren't real. They are informative, exhaustive, to the point, extremely SO-worthy or otherwise useful. HTML HyperText Markup Language and XHTML Extensible HyperText Markup Language are both markup languages ​​used to create web pages and other documents that.

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