The Development of Ecotourism in the Romanian Carpathians Tourism Essay

A melting pot in the mountains. WWF Romania, Rewilding Europe's partner in the Southern Carpathians that is rewilding the landscape in Romania, has opened a new green complex called the “WeWilder, Dorobantu et al. studied the sustainable development of local Romanian communities through ecotourism. and they tried to demonstrate the relationship between the development of rural ecotourism and some. Abstract: This article examines the development of tourism in post-communist Romania. The first. examines tourism trends International arrivals are faltering as a result of. politics. The landscape heritage of the Romanian Carpathians is emphasized through protection activities, but at the same time represents an important source of resources suitable for the numerous forms of tourism. Conservation is in line with sustainable tourism and its alternatives, ecotourism. The development of this relatively new type of tourism is based on three main principles: part of the income from tourist services remains in place and goes to nature conservation, the content of the Basic Law is in accordance with environmental requirements. Tourism is conceived as an experience of discovery,

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