A History of Air Pollution in Pietermaritzburg Environmental Sciences Essay

Air pollution has many adverse effects on human health. It is the cause of many respiratory and skin diseases. Moreover, it also causes heart disease, asthma, bronchitis, etc. Moreover, air pollution reduces lung function, damages the cells of the respiratory system and increases the rate of lung aging. A few years earlier, severe industrial air pollution created a deadly smog that sickened people in Donora, Pennsylvania. In the United States, communities of color at all income levels are exposed to higher levels of air pollution. As with other EJ environmental justice issues, the causes of systemic racial and ethnic disparities in air pollution exposure are complex and partly rooted in historical patterns of exclusion and discrimination. While air qua We investigate, Introduction. Garrett Hardin brought the concept of the tragedy of the commons into public debate in an article entitled 'Tragedy of the Commons', published in Science, cited under Canonical Works. As an ecologist, Hardin was concerned with human population growth and inevitable environmental degradation. Air pollution can be defined as the presence of harmful chemicals in the air we breathe, chemicals that can hinder a person's good health. Said chemicals are products of numerous anthropogenic activities. Water pollution took place in years due to poor sewage systems in the urban and rural areas. Unlike in s, there are fewer cases of water pollution today. Water pollution and wind energy. Chemical pollution of water is one of the leading causes of death of aquatic life. Topics and ideas: Environmental chemistry. The impact of cobalt mining on water quality and the fate of pollutants in the environment. The role of atmospheric chemistry in shaping air quality and climate change. The impact of soil chemistry on nutrient availability and plant growth in wheat monoculture. Air pollution is the introduction of particles, biological molecules or other harmful materials into the Earth's atmosphere, causing disease, human death, loss of breath and damage to other living things. organisms such as food crops, or the natural or built environment. Air pollution can come from anthropogenic or natural sources. Types of pollution. There are mainly three types of pollution: 1 air pollution, 2 water pollution and soil pollution. Air pollution is caused by the presence of harmful gases and substances in the air. It is due to vehicle emissions, dust and dirt, toxic gases from the factories etc. Summary. Concerns about air pollution have a long and complex history. Complaints about its effects on human health and the urban environment were first voiced by the residents of ancient Athens and Rome. But urban air quality deteriorated significantly during the Industrial Revolution because of the widespread use of coal in factories. Proponents of modernization predicted that it would have lowered the birth rate, increased agricultural productivity, and created difficulties in creating new energy sources. would be overcome, air and water pollution would be under control and there would still be sufficient raw materials for industry and industry,

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