Dna recombinant technology and biology of transgenic crops essay

Recombinant DNA technology refers to the joining of DNA molecules from two different species that are introduced into a host organism to produce new genetic combinations of value, definition. Recombinant DNA is a DNA molecule that has been modified to include genes from multiple sources, either by genetic recombination or laboratory techniques. In the laboratory, bacteria can be transformed with recombinant DNA. Genetic recombination occurs during meiosis in a process known as crossover. Genomics is the advanced field of biology and the specialized field of genetics. It is based on recombinant DNA technology that involves the construction of genomics and cDNA library, DNA. The opportunity for recombinant DNA technology arose with the discovery of restriction enzymes by Swiss microbiologist Werner Arber. The following year, American microbiologist Hamilton O. Smith purified so-called type II restriction enzymes, which proved to be essential for genetic engineering because of their ability to , Main Conclusion Although transgenic technology has ushered in a new era in crop improvement, several concerns have hindered its widespread adoption got in the way of it. Alternative technologies, such as cisgenesis and genome editing, can address many such problems and facilitate the development of genetically engineered crop varieties.,

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