Is Thyroidectomy Safe After Identifying Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Biology Essay

Objective: To investigate the mechanisms of recurrent RLN damage to the laryngeal nerve during endoscopic thyroidectomy via thoracic approach ET-BA in patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma PTC. Methods: The records of PTC patients who underwent ET-BA with intraoperative neural monitoring IONM from to May. Background Compared to the recurrent laryngeal nerve, the EBSLN or external laryngeal nerve has been less studied in terms of its course and relationship with the thyroid gland. This is a prospective intraoperative study designed to identify the anatomic variations of the EBSLN in relation to the IPC, the superior thyroid pedicle, and the point. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of a neuromonitoring protocol: the Abu Dhabi Neural Mapping Protocol ADNM - using a novel device, Nim-Vital™, during minimally invasive thyroidectomy in the early identification of non-recurrent n-RLN -problems of the laryngeal nerve and maintaining its function. Introduction The aim of the study was to assess the mechanism of recurrent RLN injury of the laryngeal nerve during video-assisted thyroidectomy. Methods The research into risk nerves NAR. VAT with laryngeal neuromonitoring LNM was outlined according to this scheme: a preparation for the Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy RLNP is a recognized possible complication after thyroid surgery. It can manifest itself in a variety of symptoms, such as voice change and respiratory symptoms. Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy RLNP is one of the most common complications after thyroid surgery. The resulting hoarseness is not only a severe functional limitation for patients who are occupationally dependent on their voice, but also leads to serious ventilation deficits when bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerves cause RLNs. Conclusion: The safety of intravascular methylene blue guidelines for thyroid surgery is well established. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of the spray technique, a new technique that not only allows for identification of parathyroid glands within three minutes, but also for identification of recurrent laryngeal nerves and inferior thyroid gland.,

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