The Health Risks of Obesity Health Essay

Introduction. Smoking and obesity are major public health challenges and the prevalence of both is increasing worldwide. Smoking increases the risk of cancer, respiratory and cardiovascular disease, and is the leading preventable cause of death in developed countries. Obesity is the fifth leading cause of death worldwide, and bills are that obesity is a chronic, complex disease defined by excessive fat deposits that can lead to health impairment. Obesity can lead to an increased risk of diabetes and heart disease, it can affect bone health and reproduction, and it increases the risk of certain cancers. Obesity affects the quality of life, such as sleeping or exercise. Abstract. A third of the world's population aged and older does not undertake sufficient physical activity, which affects their health. However, the health risks of sedentary behavior are not well known. The average daily duration of sedentary behavior. among the Korean population. among the American,

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