Facilities and Accommodation Management Tourism essay

Accommodation management is also one of the career paths available in the hospitality industry DHI, 2009. This career is related to the management of hotels, resorts and motels, with a strong emphasis on providing accommodation to tourists. Accommodation managers may also be involved in marketing and budgeting processes in the sector. The accommodation or hotel industry has steadily developed in tandem with the Malaysian tourism industry. The literature identified several factors that influence the rapid development of the objects and attractions, which consist of the tourism infrastructure, tourism facilities, governance infrastructure and the community environment. While Yoeti 1992 revealed that a tourist. Components of the tourist offer. Components of tourism supply are classified into five main categories: 1. Natural resources include elements in an area that can be used and enjoyed by visitors, such as climate, landforms, terrain, flora, fauna, bodies of water, beaches, natural beauty and water supplies for drinking , sanitary facilities and the like,

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