Negative effects of fertilizers on our environment Environmental science essay

The use of fertilizers is now seen as a technology necessary for agriculture. Long-term application of fertilizer has a negative influence on the physicochemical properties and soil biological properties. Chemical fertilizers disrupt the microorganisms with respect to their dominant soil types and structurally and functionally. However, mismanagement of fertilizers, applied over the use of plants, in conventional agriculture is a known inefficiency that threatens the environment. To avoid negative environmental impacts, fertilizer efficiency must be significantly increased Shaviv and Mikkelsen, 1993, Trenkel, 2010. It has a negative effect on crop productivity. Kalwani et al. 2022 Environmental issues: Gaseous emissions that can lead to pollution and climate change can be mitigated by the use of nanofertilizers even under stress. The role of nanofertilizers in mitigating climate change is an urgent global problem that guarantees many future opportunities. Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies, such as lakes, rivers and oceans. It can be caused by many things, including runoff from agricultural lands, discharges from factories and wastewater treatment plants, seepage from landfills, and plastic waste from fishing nets into the ocean. The different types of water pollution, including global warming, soil erosion, acidification of soils and waterways, and destruction of ecosystems, are some of the current and critical environmental impacts we face. with, in. Detergents can contain various chemical compounds that have negative effects on the environment. Phosphate-containing detergents and dishwashing detergents can react negatively if they end up in groundwater. The nitrogen in these detergents reacts with phosphorus in the water, creating nutrients that stimulate algae growth. The Green Revolution has shown the world the way on how to improve the production of agricultural products to meet the food demand for the booming world. s population. Potassium Cation K Increases resistance to drought and disease, increases stem and straw growth. strength, increases the quality of grain and seed. Calcium cation, Improves root formation, stiffness. To feed the world's growing population, farmers must increase crop yields. Fertilizing more can help. But standard versions work inefficiently and are often harmful to the environment. The use of fertilizers is now seen as a technology necessary for agriculture. Long-term application of fertilizer has a negative influence on the physicochemical properties and soil biological properties. Fertilizer disrupts microorganisms with respect to their dominant soil types, structurally and functionally. Inadequate use of chemical fertilizers used in agricultural activities in our country leads to. multi-faceted negativities in soil, water, plants and human health. In general. The ultimate cause of humanity's enormous impact on the environment is our individual and collective reproductive and consumptive behavior, which has brought us spectacular success as a species. But the very things that have allowed humans to thrive in almost any environment have increased our impact on those environments,

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