Analysis of Remediation of Contaminated Land in Nigeria Environmental Science Essay

Following a report from the United Nations Environment Program that concluded that recovery strategies adopted in Nigeria did not meet international best practice, the Nigerian government is. Ref A: 76404EE997A0406CBA84B75760F B: VIEEDGE C: 2023-04-03T01:03:21Z, Analysis of Remediation of Contaminated Land in Nigeria Environmental Sciences EssayRef A: 7AE91E2F407A4FE397F3ABB8FFAD14F B: VIEEDGE C: 2023-03-3 1T14:50:03Z, Analysis of Rehabilitation of Contaminated Land in Nigeria Environmental Sciences EssayMaritime University, Okerenkoko, Delta State, Nigeria. September 2020, January 2021. Barriers to successful transfer of contaminated land management policy from one. Ref A: E0672AFC64ED40D29B2993A3B265C7BC Ref B: VIEEDGE C: 2023-05-06T13:11:26Z, Analysis of Remediation of Contaminated Land in Nigeria Environmental Sciences EssayRef A: E47A4A166D6C4ABCA236C0961FA8FEAB Ref B: VIEEDGE C: 202 3 -05-28T15:21:04Z, Analyze Remediation of Contaminated Land in Nigeria Environmental Science EssayIt involves analyzing the rationale of an effective policy, identifying only the essential features of such a successful transfer program. Implementing Contaminated Soil Remediation in Nigeria: Insights from the Ogoni Remediation Project. Land Use Policy 2022 Environmental Science and Pollution Research. The practice of environmental valuation for compensation has raised serious concerns among surveyors and valuers of ESVs operating in Nigeria due to the challenges it poses. Current regulations for contaminated land in Nigeria lack a definition of contaminated land, a financing mechanism to support land remediation, a strategy to identify and allocate liability, and a. The new results lie in the identification of technological solutions carefully adapted for the region, representing significant progress in environmental remediation in the Niger Delta. Science-based remediation and monitoring are critical, and this study provides a decision support tool for selecting optimal methods in the ongoing situation. To date, the only comprehensive documented remediation project for crude oil contaminated sites is Ogoniland in Nigeria's Niger Delta. However, this project resulted in less effective, albeit. This takes into account the existing challenges in remediating the oil-contaminated sites in the country, such as the lack of initial environmental data, the characteristic dynamic nature and heterogeneity of the environment, frequent spills and re-contamination, governance, stakeholder structure and funds. , the essential need for, bibliographic information collected from both the Scopus and Web of Science repositories in the field of environmental sciences was retrieved using a filter. For the Scopus database, 801 articles were obtained respectively for the two keywords: “sources of groundwater pollution in Nigeria” and “the application of. In this article, we assessed the socio-economic and environmental impacts of polluted land in the Niger Delta. region and the global state-of-the-art remediation approaches. We use coastal environmental cleanup case studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of bioremediation, sometimes in combination with other environmental science technologies. The sediments and former mangrove areas near the town of Bodo in the Niger Delta are heavily contaminated by oil residues in cm. Despite this progress, we argue that tackling polluted land management in Nigeria needs further,

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