What is a Botnet Computer Science Essay

In conclusion, I chose to study computer science because of the endless possibilities it offers, the intellectual challenge it brings, and the collaborative nature of the field. I look forward to embarking on this journey of exploration and discovery, knowing that through my work in technology I will be able to make a positive impact on the world. Once a computer is infected, the attacker can take control of the machine and add it to the botnet. What are the different types of botnets? There are several types of botnets, including IRC botnets, HTTP botnets, and DNS botnets. Each type of botnet has its own control method and is used for different purposes. A botnet derived from a 'robot network' is a large group of malware-infected, Internet-connected devices and computers controlled by a single operator. Attackers use these compromised devices. Maybe we can live out real-life Terminator scenarios. But the overarching fact is that the world is true and is being taken over by machines and new technologies. We are slowly becoming more inclined to depend on technology than before. Because I had a great fascination with computers, I was always aware of this,

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