Developing an essay for an educational social network

4. Applications of digital technologies in education. Digital technologies are a powerful tool that can help improve education in several ways, for example by making it easier for teachers to generate instructional materials and by offering new methods for people to learn and collaborate.Bourdieusian concept of social capital and inequality in education - Article Review In In this article, authors Sandra Ditka and Kusum Singh apply the sociological concept of social capital in educational research. The authors explore whether the Bourdieusian concept of social capital can help explain the century's growing inequality in teacher education. This article examines the educational research literature to explore: How social networking sites have played a significant role in increasing students' social presence. As an educational tool for online courses, they have contributed significantly to promoting students' motivation to learn. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of social networking sites on students' academics. The impact of social networking sites on the education of the youth The researcher tries to portray that social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter are gaining popularity with the pace of time and due to their attractive features, the youth of the current generations are fascinated for them. The study argues against the, Abstract. This chapter discusses the basic structures of social networks and how they have been used to study interrelationships in schools, particularly those between teachers and students. Part of this discussion includes how network structures are visualized, with multiple examples.

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