Key Differences Between Nature and Nurture Theories Psychology Essay

Nature. Nature refers to the genetic and biological factors that influence an individual's traits and behavior. These factors are inherited from one's parents and are believed to play an important role in shaping one's personality, intelligence and physical characteristics. On the other hand, education also includes the environment. Conclusion. It's clear that the nature versus nurture debate isn't going to end anytime soon, as evidenced by the evidence put forward by both sides. Recent developments in science and technology, especially the research into genes and evolution, have failed to present a strong argument in support of either side. Pinker b 2. Although nature and nurture are not substitutes. The nature versus nurture debate is the scientific, cultural, and philosophical debate over whether human culture, behavior, and personality are primarily caused by nature or nurture. Nature is. This is known as the 'natural theory' of human behavior. Other scientists and psychologists investigate whether our behavior is “genetic,” meaning that certain types of behavior are passed on from parent to child. Again, this is a natural theory of human behavior because it supports the belief that our behavior is pre-programmed. Nature versus nurture is a long-standing point of discussion in biology, psychology and social sciences about the origins of human behavior. In this case, nature refers to the genetic and developmental. Nature vs. Nurture psychology debate. This debate in psychology looks at the different aspects of behavior and whether it is learned or hereditary behavior. To explore this, we will look at the case of the year-old boy named Peter. Peter comes from a dysfunctional family and has become involved in violence and antisocial behavior in his family. To advance knowledge about the nature and nurture of intelligence, we investigated how heritability coefficients vary between specific cognitive abilities, both theoretically and empirically..

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