An overview of the biology of Alzheimer's disease essay

Alzheimer's disease is an irreversible brain disorder associated with slow, progressive loss of brain function, especially in older people. The disease processes begin years before symptoms manifest, after which most therapies may not be as effective. In the hippocampus, the main proteins involved in the JAK2 are STAT. Introduction. Various factors lead to dementia. Alzheimer's disease AD is the most common form of dementia. AD is the most common form of neurodegenerative disease and the sixth leading cause of death in the elderly. AD comprises two-thirds of all dementias 3, 4. AD is a progressive and age-related disease prevalence of AD, 1. Introduction. Dementia is one of the most important health problems in aging societies1,2. The World Health Organization suggests that millions of new cases of dementia occur worldwide every year, and -70 of these are patients with Alzheimer's disease. Due to aging trends, especially in General overview of the different types of biomarkers. The general classification of AD biomarkers considered in this review is illustrated in the figure described below. We distinguish three main categories of biomarkers in AD: 1 diagnostic markersPET imaging and CSF analysis for Aβ and Tau, 2 blood markersprotein, Introduction. Alzheimer's disease AD is an irreversible progressive neurological disorder characterized by memory loss, slowing of thinking and reasoning, and changes in personality and behavior. 1, seriously endangers the physical and mental health of the elderly. Aging is the biggest risk factor for the disease. This review aims to summarize and synthesize findings implying that hippocampal dysfunction plays a role in emotion processing deficits in Alzheimer's disease. We will 1 briefly describe the clinical features and neural biology of AD, 2 behavioral studies and 3 imaging studies of emotion processing dysfunction in AD, the latter with a focus on volumetric,

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