Procedural or declarative knowledge information technology essay

Essay on Information Technology: Information technology is the study of computer systems and telecommunications for storing, retrieving, and transmitting information over the Internet. Today we rely on information technology to collect and transfer data from and on the Internet. Say goodbye to the conventional lifestyle and as such, conceptual knowledge is considered a higher form of knowledge than declarative or procedural knowledge. It can therefore be suspected that reflection aimed at conceptual knowledge is more effective than reflection aimed at procedural or declarative knowledge. The research is guided by the following series of studies: ACT-R has two types of memory modules: declarative memory and procedural memory. Declarative memory consists of facts and procedural memory consists of productions, knowledge about how we do things. Despite the fact that ACT-R lacks a dedicated working memory module, some of its working memories, in this paper, a brain-inspired Active Learning Architecture BALA is proposed, which contains four main components, including a CNN module for spatial information abstraction. an RNN module for sequential information processing related to procedural knowledge, a Knowledge Graph for generating declarative knowledge and We distinguish between declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge and relational knowledge. We then identify four strategies for using educational technologies to improve transfer: linking educational and non-educational contexts, separate training contexts, simulating a non-educational context, and introducing declarative knowledge and changes in organizational practice. Organizational practice is based on and dependent on both individual and collective declarative knowledge. Fiol and Lyles, 1985: Individuals rely on their existing factual and episodic knowledge to perform organizational tasks. More complex tasks may include when, how, and why students use conceptual knowledge during Math problem solving is not well understood. We propose that in solving routine problems, students are more likely to acquire conceptual knowledge when their procedural knowledge is weak than when it is strong, and that in this context metacognitive processes, especially phylogenetically, can be argued to show that declarative knowledge appeared later. than procedural knowledge. This can be demonstrated by the fact that declarative learning only occurs in higher animals, if not in humans. Ontogenetically, it is demonstrated by the fact that children begin to learn and remember procedures earlier. It involves skills and methods and is often acquired through practice and practice. experience. On the other hand, declarative knowledge is about facts and information. It consists of knowing what rather than how, and is usually expressed in descriptive language. 9. Procedural knowledge is often unconscious and difficult to express, just like declarative knowledge. 1. It is also called interpretive knowledge. It is also called descriptive knowledge. 2. Procedural knowledge means how a certain thing can be achieved. While declarative knowledge means basic knowledge about something. 3. Procedural knowledge is generally not used, which means it is not more popular. To learn to deal with a complex decision-making task, the brain divides knowledge into two types: declarative and procedural knowledge, and assigns them to different brain areas. That. Different knowledge types have their own specific characteristics and tasks in the learning process. Procedural knowledge is used in craft and technology education when students solve problems individually'.

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