Determinants of Intentional Use Islamic Credit Card Financing Essay

This study aims to identify the factors that influence Muslims' behavioral intentions in using Sharia fintech. This study surveyed respondents on four types of Sharia fintech digital payments. Savings Sukuk is one of the Sharia investment products issued by the Indonesian government. Millennial investors have always dominated Savings Sukuk sales even though it is a new investment vehicle in Indonesia. That is why we are interested in exploring the intention of Savings Sukuk in more depth. In particular this study, Abstract. Objective: The main objective of this study is to investigate the behavioral intention of the millennials in Malaysia towards the acceptance of using Islamic e-wallets using Unified Theory of. In non-cash transactions, Islamic credit cards have become a way of life in modern economic culture. The use of Islamic credit cards has risen and fallen over time due to a variety of variables. Financial costs, knowledge of Islamic credit card, attitude, financial recommendations and demographic items were examined to determine whether these factors influence Islamic credit card. Objective This article aims to examine the contribution of attitude, subjective norms and religiosity on the intention to adopt Islamic banking in an emerging economy like Uganda. In another study, Hussin 2011 explored a conceptual framework for Islamic credit card adoption in Malaysia to investigate factors influencing banks' adoption of Islamic credit cards. Summary and figures. The study aims to uncover the determinants of Islamic financial exclusion in Indonesia by collecting responses from financially excluded respondents. Total has a negative and significant influence on the intention to use Islamic personal finance. However, Amin et al. concluded that there is no significant relationship between P. gt. This research aims to determine the influence of parental role, financial knowledge and customer attitudes towards credit cards, which determine one's intention to use a credit card. Purpose - Islamic banking and finance is an emerging global industry based on Islamic ethical precepts. Similar to conventional banks, Islamic banks are expected to offer products that take into account the needs of their customers. The present study examines the effects of the following factors: attitude social influence, “Determinants of Customers' Intention to Use Islamic Personal Finance: The Case of Malaysian Islamic Banks”, Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 1, p. 22-42. The results showed that firstly, the level of Islamic financial knowledge has a positive and significant effect on students' interest in using Islamic banking products with a tcount. 964, gt 1.99714 and a. Abstract. Objective The aim of this study is to investigate the level of acceptance of a new Islamic housing financing concept, declining partnership DP, by consumers in Malaysia using the theory of. 5. This research identifies the factors that influence customers' intention to use a credit card with Sacombank. The findings of this study show that four variables statistically influence customers' decision to use a credit card. List all four perceptions of behavioral control, ease of behavior, cost of use,.

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