Climate change and agriculture in Kenya Environmental science essay

What we found. We found that Kenya's Tana River basin could serve as a refuge if temperatures remain within the targets of the Paris Agreement, which aims to keep global warming at bay. The consequences. Crops are exposed to higher temperatures that many can tolerate. But it is the increase in extremely hot days and warm nights that can cause the most damage. The threat of change. Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa are particularly vulnerable to climate change, given their dependence on agricultural production and limited adaptability. Based on farmer household and Participatory Rural Appraisal data collected in districts across different agro-ecological zones in Kenya, this article examines farmers' climate perceptions, Current climate changes already being felt pose a major risk to global food security and could seriously jeopardize agriculture's prospects for feeding the poor and most vulnerable in rural areas. 10. In Kenya, the agricultural sector makes a significant contribution to the country's economic growth with a contribution to the gross domestic product, Natural causes of climate change. Some degree of climate change can be attributed to natural phenomena. Over the course of the Earth's existence, volcanic eruptions and fluctuations in solar radiation. In this section we provide a brief overview of existing research on the impact of climate change on agricultural production. Climate change poses a significant challenge to food security and human development as it affects the productivity and production patterns of agricultural production (Arora, 2019). Therefore, the development of the link between migration dynamics and environmental change has attracted the attention of many researchers in the recent past. Although most studies focus on the impact of the environment on migration decisions, less emphasis is placed on the feedback effect of migration on the environment in rural sending areas; Arid and semi-arid areas make up one percent of Kenya's land area, and climate change threatens this fragile ecosystem. In a country with suboptimal agricultural practices, management of agriculture and natural resources under the changing climate is critical in mitigating and adapting to the negative impacts of climate change. It is therefore crucial to incorporate or leverage knowledge, skills and capabilities of different gender groups within societies to effectively manage natural resources. The link between migration dynamics and environmental change has attracted the attention of many researchers in the recent past. Although most studies focus on the impact of the environment on migration decisions, less emphasis is placed on the feedback effect of migration on the environment in rural sending areas; The increase in atmospheric temperature has serious consequences for biodiversity, ecosystems and human well-being. The most important evidence of climate change is the available long-term data on CO2 levels, global temperatures and weather patterns. The impacts of climate change in the coming decades are based on the fact that global climate change is destabilizing many of the natural processes that make modern agriculture possible. Yet modern agriculture itself is partly responsible for the sustainability crisis. Many of the techniques and adaptations farmers rely on to increase production are also.

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