The relationship between conflicts between parents

Objective: This study examined the relationship between joint physical custody and children's mental health, and tested whether interparental conflict moderated the association. Parent-child communication and self-esteem play potential roles in the relationship between interparental conflict and depressive symptoms of migrant children in China. This finding has important implications for psychological service providers working with this group of children or children in similar situations. This study examined the mediating effect of cognitive appraisals and the moderating role of peer status in the association between interparental conflict and adolescents' affective well-being. based on a sample of third-grade Chinese adolescents. Interparental Conflict Traits, Adolescents' Cognitive Appraisals of Mothers' Relationships on Marital Adjustment, Parenting Disagreements, and Three Child Problem Factors, Aggression, Anxiety, and Immaturity after Child Age and Family Socioeconomic Status Were Controlled , revealed that parenting disagreement predicted aggression. in all groups and that both marital adjustment and interparental conflict IPC refers to the situation in which the parents cannot reach an agreement or the conflict between them becomes acute. Although the prevalence and extent of children's exposure to IPC was barely reported, statistics on the prevalence of children's exposure to divorce and marital problems provided.,

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