Types of physical trauma biology essay

Love is a set of emotions and behaviors characterized by intimacy, passion and commitment. It is about care, closeness, protection, attraction, affection and trust. Many say it is not an emotion as we typically understand it, but an essential physiological drive. Love is a physiological motivation like hunger, thirst and sleep. Functional memory loss is usually related to psychiatric problems or emotional trauma. Possible causes of neurological memory loss include: Blunt force brain injury, such as a head injury from a car accident or Core tip: A cluster of complex post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD, PTSD and borderline personality disorder that share a history of trauma has been proposed to, as a clinical and biological continuum of symptom severity, classifiable together under trauma-related disorders rather than just separate clinical diagnoses. Depending on the trauma, it can be physical, psychological, emotional, sexual or financial. Anyone can be abused, including children, adults and the elderly. People who are abused are at increased risk of side effects such as depression and PTSD. The physical and mental effects of abuse are treated with medical care and talk therapy. These are some of the most common symptoms of unresolved trauma, according to Dr. Zackson: Hypervigilance and inability to let down one's guard. Lack of confidence and difficulty opening up to other people. Dissociation and a persistent feeling of numbness. Control problems, to overcompensate for the feeling of helplessness during the traumatic incident.1. Introduction. The American Psychological Association defines trauma as “an emotional response to a terrible event.” Types of trauma are generally divided into two categories: interpersonal, for example abuse, and non-interpersonal, for example natural disasters or accidents. The subtypes of childhood trauma vary in research, but in animals, exposure to stress, cold, or high-fat diets has been shown to induce metabolic changes in later generations. And small studies in people exposed to traumatic circumstances, including the post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD, is a common psychiatric disorder that can develop after someone experiences a traumatic event. PTSD has a broad clinical presentation but is characterized by symptoms that affect cognition, mood, somatic experience, and behavior. PTSD can cause chronic disabilities and lead to comorbid conditions. Stress is an emotional or physical response to a challenge or demand, such as school demands, financial problems, or having an illness. A stressor can be a one-off or short-term event, but can also occur repeatedly over a longer period of time. When a person is under stress, the body responds by releasing hormones that cause 'fight or flight'”,

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