How healthy are homeless and needy children Health Essay

Impact of homelessness on child development. Homelessness is both a symptom and a cause of trauma for children, youth and families. Half of all homeless school-age children experience depression and anxiety. The sooner and longer a child becomes homeless, the more dangerous this is for his healthy development. Lung diseases, including bronchitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia. Malnutrition. Mental health problems. Substance use problems. Wounds and skin infections. Many people experiencing homelessness are dealing with trauma. They may have been mistreated or mistreated. This also applies to children, who are at risk for emotional, healthy growth and development. To grow and develop optimally, children need adequate nutrition, they must be healthy, they must feel safe and secure and they must have opportunities to learn from birth. Ensuring these elements are defined as 'nurturing care'. Mothers also need to be healthy before conception and they do so, disrupting young lives. Homelessness can affect every element of a child's life. Their physical and mental health can take a major hit. It is more difficult to access healthy food or hygiene products. Things like exercise and hobbies may fall lower on the agenda, which can also impact their emotional well-being. Poor children were often judged as such by their parents. be in fair or poor health 17 P. 14. Homeless. however, children exhibited more behavior. problems and school. Health. Health is of the utmost importance for the individual and society as a whole. It includes physical, mental and social well-being. Maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise and adequate sleep are essential for good physical health. Mental health is just as crucial and requires attention to emotional and emotional health. Helping The Homeless Essay: People are categorized as homeless if they live on the streets or move between temporary shelters, including the homes of friends and family. However, the legal definition of homelessness may vary between countries or jurisdictions within the same country. Either way, being homeless is a number of relevant public health essay topics. Writing about public health has always been of interest to many students and medical professionals. Current events and COVID-19 have only made public health topics even more popular. Analysis of the effectiveness of public health campaigns on smoking cessation. The circumstances into which children are born determine their exposure to environments that promote or compromise healthy development. Children's health, development and well-being can be compromised by a number of direct negative experiences during the prenatal and postnatal period, including: Persistent poverty. There is a circular relationship between homelessness, addiction and mental health. Mental illness and substance abuse are among the most important predictors of homelessness, Tsai et al. 2017. At the same time, 38 of the homeless in the US suffer from mental health problems, 38 of the homeless depend on alcohol 26, Disrupting young lives. Homelessness can affect every element of a child's life. Their physical and mental health can take a major hit. It is more difficult to access healthy food or hygiene products. Things like exercise and hobbies may fall lower on the agenda, which can also impact their emotional well-being. Impact of.

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