Design the Voice Over IP System Information Technology essay

Written by Jonathan Davidson with contributions from four other people, Voice over IP Fundamentals, 2nd Edition 2007 provides detailed information on how voice signals can be transmitted over the Internet over IP-based networks. The book describes the technology behind VoIP technology and is relevant to my research: voice or multimedia signals are converted into IP packets with distinctive headers and the packets travel across the open Internet, then are reassembled and converted again. In its early stages, VoIP was, as the acronym suggests, intended for voice transmission. Today, VoIP service providers and networks handle multimedia traffic, fax, and VoIP technology, breaking your voice data into manageable chunks so you can travel across the Internet efficiently. A journey through the web: Once fragmented, the data packets begin a journey through your internet connection. They use the same network infrastructure that powers your Internet browsing and online activities.

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