Paul's journey was to convert the Jewish religion essay

A majority of Muslims in the South Asian countries surveyed also say that trying to convert others to Islam is a religious duty. This feeling is almost universal in Afghanistan: Muslims believe that conversion is a duty of their faith. In Pakistan, 85 Muslims share this view, just like in Bangladesh. In the Middle East and North Africa. Many gods lived in the Roman Empire. All ancient peoples, including the Jews and eventually the Christians, knew this to be the case. This essay explores the ways in which members of these groups thought about and interacted with other gods while remaining loyal to their own god. This essay focuses primarily on the writings and activities of three late Second, 27 Watson, F. Paul, Judaism and the Gentiles SNTS MS : Cambridge, 1986, Google Scholar claims that. 16 'cannot safely be used as evidence of Paul's self-understanding at the time of his conversion'. 'The only thing we know about Paul's conversion is the way he tried to understand it in polemical contexts for years,

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