Evaluation of therapeutic dose monitoring of phenytoin sodium biology essay

In patients treated with phenobarbital, the serum levels of the patients were within the therapeutic range - ml, and in the patients treated with phenytoin, the serum levels were at a therapeutic value. The fundamental goal of therapeutic drug monitoring TDM for antiepileptic AEDs is to prevent seizures and minimize negative effects on general well-being, including cognition, mood, and endocrine function. The International League Against Epilepsy ILAE determines the type of seizure based on. Therapeutic drug monitoring of levetiracetam may therefore be indicated in certain situations, such as suspected poor compliance, pregnancy, dosing in children and the elderly and people with renal insufficiency, etc. 4,5 Various chromatographic methods have been reported for the detection and quantification of levetiracetam in biological fluids. TDM is a branch of clinical chemistry and. clinical pharmacology that deals with. optimization of drug response and individual. adjustment of the drug dose through the use of medications. measurement in the. The therapeutic index is 'narrow', that is, the ratio between the concentration associated with toxicity and the concentration associated with benefit is low. This means that there is a low 'safety margin' between a therapeutic and a toxic dose. Drugs with a narrow therapeutic index include phenytoin, lithium and gentamicin. Withdrawal Precipitated seizure: May cause status epilepticus. Dose reductions or discontinuation should be done gradually. Suicidal behavior and thoughts: Monitor patients for the onset or worsening of depression, suicidal thoughts or behavior, and/or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Severe dermatological, TLDR. A computer program for phenytoin PHT dosing was developed with seven different menus: two for drug-naïve patients, one using an empirical equation, the other using means for Vmax and Km, which in total led to - 86 blood levels reached within -25 of the predicted value. To expand.

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