The Football Industry in the UK Marketing Essay

Introduction. Football has long transcended its state of being as a sport or activity and has grown into a business that supports a complex and dynamic multi-billion dollar industry Toma and Catana, 2021. Football has never lost its original identity, but still has enormous influence, until far beyond. the economic, social and cultural level. Rethinking SD in Britain brings with it potential challenges that the sector may face as a result of the involvement of policy entrepreneurs Mwanga and Adeosun, 2016. In conclusion, therefore, different outcomes are possible for the sport presence, and all parties those involved in the process should focus on setting the right objectives, which are visible. According to the High Pay Centre, UK CEOs can earn more than the average full-time worker. With reference to an industry of your choice, evaluate why pay gaps exist in the UK labor market. Wage disparity exists when different people earn different wages for being employed in the advertising and market research industry in the -2022, by gender. Number of jobs in the advertising and market research sector in the UK, the first quarter of the UK. There is a growing body of literature examining the management, marketing and governance of football clubs. Football fans' views on racism in British football. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 51, 27-43. doi:10.1177 of Science.

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