How government systems and procedures fail in information technology
E - government information systems IS projects face numerous challenges that can lead to complete or partial failure. The failure factors for projects have been: the government is opening up by applying information technology in providing services to citizens, businesses and government. We are familiar with it. This research aims to investigate the underlying process-related causes of the failure of e-government. Through the lens of actor-network theory, this article presents a: In summary, previous research has identified several challenges impacting South African e-government systems, including poor investment decisions that have not yet materialized. A literature search was conducted to identify peer-reviewed publications reporting on the actual use of health information technology for healthcare quality and patient safety. Inductive thematic analysis with open coding was used to categorize the overall study. Three preset categories were used: prevention, identification and action. Health information system failures and prevention essay. Nowadays, information technology is an essential element that ensures sufficient information flow in a hospital and organizes the processes and activities. Nevertheless, it is not always effective to rely solely on IT systems, as their failure can lead to adverse consequences,