Effect of Butea Monosperma on Reproductive Organs, Sperm Count and Testesterone of Male Albino Rats essay

The consumption of cottonseed, CCM and ECM by male Wistar albino rats during the period days of a lower or tolerable intake level had a significant effect on growth performance, while increases in WBC included leukocyte characteristics and caused reductions in the number of RBCs, HGB. HCT and PLT content compared to STD. Some reproductive organs were collected for histopathological analyses. The results showed a dose-dependent increase of plt 0.05 in the weight of male reproductive organs, sperm parameters and hormones. Effect of Butea monosperma on reproductive organs, sperm count and testosterone of male albino rat, Rattus Rattus Wistar. Biological forum - An international journal.2015 7 1 1659-1663. Ramachandra YL, Ashajyothi C, Padmalatha RS. The results suggest that administration of the three antimalarials at the recommended doses and durations used in this study had no adverse effects on testicular function and serum testosterone levels. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of some commonly used ant malaria drugs in Nigeria on sperm. The effect of chronic exposure to sodium fluoride NaF, 5.20, kg body weight day, days on reproductive tissue damage in young male albino rats. was assessed histopathologically. Exposure of rats to acetamiprid caused significant changes in the reproductive index as it caused a significant decrease in sperm count, viability and motility. In addition, reproductive hormones such as testosterone and gonadotropin-releasing hormones (GnRH) were found to be significantly reduced with acetamiprid treatment. Conclusion: Both extracts of J.carnea, when administered, have an inverse influence on some male reproductive indexes in albino rats, such as testosterone level and seminalysis at the doses used. Fresh leaves of Ocimum Sanctum OS were used to study its effect on male reproductive function, sperm count and reproductive hormones in male albino rabbits. Animals in the test group were supplemented with g fresh OS leaves per rabbit day, while the control group was maintained on a normal diet for the same uterine cytology. Vagina, cytology. Sexual behavior declines with age in male rats. The speed and extent of this decline may depend on the amount of previous sexual experience and a number of other, unidentified factors. Age-dependent changes in ejaculate quality characteristics in rats have not been previously described, and the r · Introduction. Smoking is often linked to male infertility 1, 2. It reduces sperm density in avid smokers compared to non-smokers. It is also reported that the percentages of motile and normal sperm are lower among male smokers due to increased production of reactive oxygen species ROS, The,

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