Growth in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions Marketing Essay

Companies from emerging countries are increasingly involved in cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and these acquirers mainly acquire companies from cross-border mergers and acquisitions Mamp As have gained popularity over the past decade. However, research on these types of diversification strategies does not show that although cross-border M amp increases business risk taking and financial volatility in the short term, they also enhance long-term growth. This article applies and expands. Resource dependence theory to examine cross-border mergers and acquisitions M amp As by emerging market firms EMFs in. We examine the effects of international and product diversification through M&A M amp As on the firm's risk-return profile. We identify the. The results indicate that marketing synergy and the reallocation of marketing resources contribute significantly to the degree of integration. At the same time 1. Introduction. Foreign direct investment FDI has played an important role in the increasing economic globalization of the past thirty years. Cross-border Mamp A is the leading source of foreign direct investment, especially for developed countries that account for as much as two-thirds of foreign direct investment. World Investment Report, 2007. So, understanding cross-border Mamp A, 5. Rising Mamp A activity . Mamp A activity declined due to rising interest rates and uncertainty surrounding certain geopolitical events. The consensus seems to be that this will increase. 1 Introduction. Over the past thirty years there has been a dramatic increase in cross-border mergers and acquisitions, with the total value increasing from, to 1. The prevalence of cross-border M amp As, an emerging strand of literature examining why companies expand their boundaries. borders,

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