Competition and usage rate in the hospitality industry Tourism essay

Tourism's contribution to economic growth and development has long been identified and confirmed. Globally, the tourism industry is one of the most important sectors of the global economy that contributes immensely to creating jobs, generating huge revenues and promoting economic prosperity. It is also one of the fastest growing workers in the hospitality industry in the world, the Tourism Council estimates. This means workers are losing their jobs as the industry is grounded due to the pandemic. From to around, many countries announced a ban on international travel and, according to Statista 2019. the global travel and tourism industry directly. USD to Global GDP Lock, 2020a. Employment in the catering industry has never been as high as in recent years. Unfortunately this ended at the end of February and started abruptly. Kemal Birdir, Mersin University, Faculty of Tourism, Turkey, 33110. Yenişehir Mersin, iftlikk y, ORCID: 0000-0003-1353-3618, E-mail: kemalbirdir Competition in the hotel sector. The pandemic has changed all that, at least temporarily. Although only some segments of the economy were spared, the hospitality and tourism sectors were particularly hard hit. The WTTC reported that the sector 4. lost its contribution to GDP. compared to normal. decline in the overall world economy; This article examines the impact of the tourism and hospitality sector on national development. The exploratory study uses a structured questionnaire as a data collection tool. All of these actions can be communicated to guests as a commitment to sustainability that sets a hotel apart from its competitors. Similarly, employee-related sustainability measures, such as more sustainable career development opportunities or a commitment to diversity and equal opportunity, can be used as differentiators in a,

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