Rise and Growth of Communist Faith in India History Essay

Expert guidance, comprehensive UPSC IAS coaching and proven success. Best UPSC IAS Coaching in India. OUR CENTERS. Bangalore Delhi Lucknow Mysuru Srinagar Dharwad. What factors contributed to the rise of community thinking in the first half of the twentieth century? Previous Post Previous Insights Weekly Essay India has formally entered the neoliberal era, although the rising power of India's big capitalists and the country's tendency towards the neoliberal path were evident earlier. Communists fought the tooth, the rise of communism in the British era. Communalism in modern India is a concept of the century. emerged in modern politics. In India, communalism has its origins in the division of Bengal along religious lines. Further, the British provided separate electorates for Muslims and Hindus under the Government of India Act of 1909; This essay charts the transformation of communalism in India throughout history, in the context of the consolidation of Hindu nationalist power in the country today. Two central arguments follow. Communalism in a broad sense means a strong attachment to one's own community. In popular discourse in India, it is understood as an unhealthy attachment to one's own religion. Body: Present the case of communism in India. Communism as a political philosophy has its roots in India's religious and cultural diversity. India's stagnant economy, devoid of any development, was also a major factor in the growth of communal life in India. The traditional occupational pattern of the Hindus and the Muslims was different. When agriculture stagnated and later with the spread of education among the peasants, a new middle class emerged,

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