Organizational dynamics and organizational culture - McDonald's essay

The adoption of the organizational culture that McDonalds adopts stems from the large number of people from different countries who work there. The company serves millions of people in more countries, and franchises are established in more countries Goldman, Santos and Tully, 2008, Para. 1. From the perspective of: What is McDonald's culture like? Things move fast at McDonald's, whether we're serving our customers delicious food or helping our own people build their future. In our workplace we promote flexibility, opportunity, equality and development. McDonald's employees come from all walks of life, but share a common approach: American workers are engaged and actively excluded from work. Meanwhile, some organizations achieved engagement by using their culture and values ​​to guide their business decisions. The lesson: Live your values ​​and you'll see greater engagement and productivity. Organizational culture is the collective mentality and behavior of a company. A positive workplace culture increases employee engagement, motivation and retention. The seven strategies for. Figure 1: Organizational culture Burke, 1999. There are five dimensions of an organization's culture, namely power distance, risk-taking propensity, gender issues and employee psychology. The power distance aspect refers to the mentality among employees about who has more power and how much power they wield. McDonald's is one of the world's largest and best-known fast food chains, with locations in more countries. Their success is partly due to their unique organizational structure, which has proven to be very effective over the years. In this article we take a closer look at McDonald's structure, including, for example, Chatman and others in a publication entitled The Promise and Problems of Organizational Culture: CEO Personality, Culture, and Firm Performance. Personality influences a company's culture, and that culture is then linked to a wide range of organizational outcomes, including a company's financial results. Today's business challenges mean that understanding elements that can impact organizational performance is a differentiator in maintaining competitiveness. In this context, the aim of this article is to conduct a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on the relationship between dynamic capabilities, strategic. The current study assesses cultural differences in the perception of McDonald's services in four countries: the US, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Egypt. Countries were chosen because there were sufficient variations based on the cultural dimensions of the Hofstede. By using individual respondents and Hofstede's cultural dimensions, the research 'Organizational culture is a complex phenomenon and is shaped in different ways’..

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