If I Were a President essay

1. If I Were President Essay Writing an essay on the hypothetical scenario of being president can be both challenging and intriguing. The difficulty lies in finding a balance between imaginative creativity and practicality. You have to imagine yourself in a position of enormous responsibility and power, while tackling the complex issues. First, if I were to become president, I would take action to fight poverty and improve living standards. The first step toward reducing the number of people living below the breadline lies in increasing the number of available jobs. In other words: fighting poverty means fighting unemployment. I would like to emphasize two main directions of. Long Essay on If I Were the Prime Minister for Children and Students in English 'If wishes were horses, beggars would ride'. In my case it is no different. It is the most beautiful dream that could make me forget my student life. The office of the Prime Minister seems so far away that it is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Speech. Views. 6434. If I were to become President of the United States of America, I would change some of the things that hurt America and keep some of the things that help our country become stronger. The central issues I would focus on are the military, the economy, education, homeland security and the poor.

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